
I have undergone many changes in my life in the last two years. Can you relate? It has been a series of trials and little joys and amazing accomplishments and deep sorrows. Life has turned one way then another and twisted back around again. There has been one constant, even when I don't feel or see it. God has been with me at every turn, through every valley, on every mountaintop. I have struggled with this. So many scars exist in me. The most painful today is the loss of my father. I have had many David moments over the last almost nine months. Mostly the angry, questioning, confused David moments. The moments where it takes all my strength and my tiny bit of faith to say, "God is good all the time." Or, "I trust You." These are truths that I have a hard time admitting, yet I cannot lie. Admitting your struggles and your fears and choosing vulnerability helps expose those deeply hidden things to the light of the Son. And in that light we can see more clearly. If things stay hidden they remain in shadow. Shadows in the dark can make us believe there's a monster in our room with us, but it is only a shirt hanging askew in our closet.

Friends, my journey toward peace and the mountaintop Psalms of David continues one day at a time. Some days feel as though they are just too much. Too many memories. Too much sadness. Too many questions. Other days feel as though every cloud has a silver lining, even the storm clouds, and sunshine is just around the corner.

I have titled this post Welcome! because I want to welcome you to my newest version of this blog. I thought it was time for a fresh look and, in some ways, a fresh start. I started a ministry called Fresh Hope several years ago as a way to bring refreshment to women. I want this "new" blog to bring freshness to you and your life. Life will always be a series of moments, whether mountain high or valley low or somewhere in between. But always remember to be Quiet in His Love. I have put Zephaniah 3:17 at the top of my blog so that you always remember this image of our Father God.He is The Mighty One, yet He also rejoices over us with singing. Such a powerful image!

On this new blog, you will find a variety of topics (as I write about them) and I hope you will follow me and share this little corner of the world with your friends and family as well. Today or sometime in the next few days, I will be launching a series on marriage. I am so excited to share it with you! It started from a research class I just finished in my college studies. I hope it will be a blessing to you.

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to read here at Quiet in His Love. One of my love languages is quality time, and it means so much to me that you spent some of your limited time with me and my words. Please come again soon, friends!




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