Write On

This morning, my husband and I went on a drive to Rochester just so I could get my picture taken with other women who had contributed to a devotional book. Just over an hour to drive one way for a photo. I thought it was a bit excessive, but in my heart I really wanted to go get my picture taken with the other ladies who had been chosen for publication. My husband knows me well and took the time to bless me with a drive and a coffee on the way home. He made his way into the event location filled to brimming with women, and maybe a handful of other men, so that I could do something that would bring my heart joy. I am very blessed!

Sometimes joy comes in the simplest of things: having your picture taken, receiving a handmade card from a child or friend, getting a text from your mom, seeing a picture from years ago flash across your screen. What a gift it is to find joy in the little things. Yes, our two hours away from home turned into four, and there were challenges along the way, including a fallen rearview mirror and a need for more gas. The thoughts of "maybe I'm not meant to get my picture taken" floated through my mind, but my husband said "no, I don't think that's the case."

When we arrived, I was surprised to see my photo on the banner advertising the devotional book I had contributed to. A simple, unexpected surprise that brought me joy. God is good. He knows me, my heart, my thoughts intimately, so why does it surprise me when I am gifted something, by Him, that makes my heart happy. He cares about me and the "little" things that matter to me.

If you're interested in learning more about the devotional book I contributed to, please visit Amazon.

Blessings, friends. Remember, dreams coming true are a reality. God knows your heart. Let Him surprise you with a moment of joy.


  1. Congrats! Not including having a baby or leading someone to Christ, which are out of this world, there are few things as fun as being published. Congrats!


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