Eleven: Study, Day 9

This A Renewed Heart study is perfect for where I'm at right now!  I love when things fall into place, and God uses what I have at hand to speak to me!  I have quotes for you and a passage that I highly recommend reading soon.  Isn't it a delight to read God's word?  It's living!  You can read the same verses for the sixteenth time and still receive a fresh, timely insight!  I love that!  Check out the quotes below.

Page 30: "Christ does not expect us to come to him healthy, happy, and whole. He wants us to come to Him with our sickness, our sadness, and our pain so that He can heal us as no one else can. But beyond our physical or emotional ailments, the greatest area in which we need healing is in our spirits. Our sin is a sickness that only Christ can heal, from the inside out."
This hits the mark for me.  I have been dealing with so many things in my life for a long time.  Pain over lost/damaged friendships, the loss of two children, connecting since moving to Minnesota in 2012, debt issues, emotional issues, and the list goes on.  God wants to heal me!  He wants to heal you!!  He wants to take care of our heart.  We need to come to Him and put our sins, concerns, worries, EVERYTHING at His feet!  I know - it's easier said than done some days.  We need to go to the Great Physician because He knows the places where we need healing.  Why?  Because He knows us better than anyone else!  I need to trust Him!  So do you, friend!

Page 31: "'There is healing at the fountain; Come and find it, weary soul, There your sins may all be covered; Jesus waits to make you whole.' -Fanny Crosby 'Healing at the Fountain' (hymn)"
I think I need to find this hymn and read the rest of the words.  I want to be made whole!  Don't you?

Now, here's your assignment: Read Psalm 51:1-12 and comment here on what spoke to you the most or stood out to you.  Blessings, friends!


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