Eleven: Study, Day 2

I wanted to share some things that jumped out in my reading today!  These passages are all from A Renewed Heart.

Page 11: "As you consider the life of Ruth, think about your relationship to Jesus Christ and the beautiful love that He not only demonstrated in giving His life for you, but that He shows with His presence in your life today. He will not disappoint you. He will provide renewal for every area of your life."  I underlined the part that REALLY spoke to me.  I am in need of renewal!

Page 15: "What good would it do to be only partially renewed? How effective will we be if we try to put a 'patch' on our old way of doing things? God wants us to be renewed from the inside out- our thoughts, our emotions, our bodies, our actions. The process of renewal is called sanctification, and it should be our continual focus until we leave this earth for eternity in heaven. Without sanctification, we cannot attain the maturity God has planned for us. Our spiritual growth will be stunted if we do not take part in His renewal process. Our bodies and our spirits can become tired and weary. But as Christians, we have access to spiritual and physical renewal through the Holy Spirit. ... The good news is that each step of renewal makes us more like Christ, draws us closer to God, and readies us for our future hope of glory."  There is so much in here that speaks to me where I'm at right now!  I need renewal, and I don't want to miss out and be stunted.  I don't want to just keep patching things up anymore!


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