Eleven: Study, Day 7

I'm really enjoying taking time to do a study!  I thank God that He's showing me things.  I pray I will not just see them but act on them to.  I want a renewed heart - a clean canvas to create on.  My reading today, in A Renewed Heart, was full of some good quotes that I want to share with you!

Page 24: "We don't come to Christ as perfect creatures; we simply come to Him as we are. It is through His Spirit working in our lives that we are able to walk through our circumstances and rise above our problems. Without Him, our sin and our human limitations would defeat us."
Wow!  What an important reminder!  As Christians, sometimes I think we come to Christ but continue to hang on to the reins.  We cannot keep hold of the reins.  Do not confuse the issue - when we receive the amazing gift of salvation we are not somehow given decision-making authority.  God is the One we take direction from; He is our guide on the path of life we walk.  He is the One that gives us (if we ask!) the all-important things we need to grow in our relationship with Him, to clean out the old and truly repent of it and step forward into the amazing life He has for us.  His Spirit is so crucial to all of this happening!

Page 25: "'The salvation of the soul is key to salvation of the body.' -William Booth"
That's just good!

Page 27: "We must rely on the real Source for renewal - our God. . . . How comforting to know that the One who is always with us is our Source for every need. In the midst of a medical emergency, a financial upheaval, a personal depression, we can find hope and comfort. Our hearts are truly in His hands. ... Paul writes, 'When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior' (Titus 3:4-6). Are you willing to go to the Source of renewal to find cleansing, kindness, and love?"
Oh my!  We need to go to God for renewal; He is our Source of renewal!  Who needs a good cleansing?  We need to get on our knees and ask God for the cleansing, to pour out His Spirit over us (our needs, concerns, etc.).  He is faithful!  Amen!

Truly, God has already blessed me in this study.  There are circumstances happening right now in my life that I'm trusting God to take care of.  I am not worried or in fear.  God has the answer!  We must seek Him for it.  His word is so rich!  Open it up and dive in, friends!


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