
Written in 2008.

When you think of your treasures, what comes to mind?  The people in your life that fill it with joy?  The photographs now faded with age and wear?  The rock your little boy brought you from the backyard?  The money in the bank?  The car in the garage?  What are your treasures?  For some reason when I was thinking of something to write about the word treasure popped into my head.  Why?  I’m not sure that even I know the answer to that.  I do know that a treasure is something that is cherished, valued, stored up, full of worth.  So that got me to thinking about what each of us treasures.  I think of a picture of a big treasure chest plated in gold and glowing with a lock on the front.  What would each of us put into our chest?  The things listed above or the treasure that the Bible talks about?  We are to store up our treasures in Heaven.  This is a concept that I struggle with.  I’m willing to admit that I am one of those human Christians who has a tendency to treasure people and things on Earth more than I probably should.  I think it’s a trap that a lot of us fall into.  I’m not sure that I can completely stop picturing my treasure chest full of people who are dear to me, memories of precious times, priceless photos, and so much more along those same lines.  After all, I’m human (as I stated above).  A Christian, yes, but very human.  I just thought we might all want to consider what is in our treasure chest.  Is it full of all it should be?  Is your treasure in Heaven?  Where is it and what is it?


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