The Butterfly

Written by my husband, Tony, in 2007.

I was push mowing the lawn late last summer when I noticed off to my left something flying toward me.  It was a butterfly. The creature seemed to be in some sort of distress, its flying pattern seemed erratic.  I shut off the mower and watched it come to rest just a few feet away from me. As I watched the butterfly slowly moving its wings and resting on the ground, I couldn’t help but communing with God and praising Him for the beauty and wonder of His creation.  I moved closer and tried to catch it when suddenly it began beating its wings furiously.  The butterfly took off and went over the fence into the neighbor’s lawn and landed.  I looked at it. No motion.  Its wings weren’t moving any more, it had come to rest.  It had died.
I had witnessed the butterfly’s last flight.  It would fly no more.  It made me sad that this beautiful insect would no longer wing its flight.  What a waste, I thought, fruitless.  What was the point of this creature?  Flourish and then die?  A few brief days in the sun, then gone, and forgotten. At that moment, it was as if God spoke to my heart, and I realized that this butterfly’s existence had not been in vain.  It had caused me to be closer to God, to praise Him for His awesomeness, to wonder at His creation.  As I dwelled on this thought, I couldn’t help but wonder how many other people were touched by this tiny bug in its short life.  How many children had seen this very butterfly and been filled with awe and joy, and chased it around the yard giggling. How many people had it stirred something deep within them, something that told them indeed there is a Creator, there is a loving God who is all powerful.  This butterfly had served its purpose.
Are we not like butterflies?  Do we not rise up and flourish and reflect the beauty and glory of God?  Do we not show his power and workmanship?  We can learn a lot from the butterfly.  Our lives are not pointless.  We have purpose and meaning.   My prayer is that we, as Christians, can be like the butterfly and bring joy to those who cross our paths. To be a vessel through which the Holy Spirit can stir the hearts of those around us into a relationship with Christ or a deeper relationship with Him.


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