
"The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow / Bet Your Bottom Dollar That Tomorrow There'll Be Sun..." How many of you know that song? Some of you now have the tune and the words stuck in your head. You are welcome. I am not confident in this moment that the sun will come out tomorrow...because tomorrow is my dad's birthday. His first birthday in Heaven. The first time we celebrate to honor his memory not to celebrate with him. Tomorrow, he would have turned 69. So young really. So much to give and share. Yet, tomorrow, instead of smiles and laughs and presents, there will be tears and stories and lasagna and green olives and chocolate cake and ice cream.

The reality we have faced so many times over the last 10+ months will, yet again, sink in anew. Another first without my dad here in our presence. Starting with my mom's birthday last year, we have had to celebrate without my dad's smile, without his silly puns and antics, without his heartfelt compliments and encouragement, without so many things that are now only treasured memories.

The reality is that the sun will come out tomorrow. The sun will shine because that is the way God set His world up. Like the rainbow after the flood, the sun reminds us that there is a promise of joy, a promise of newness, a promise that brighter times are ahead, even though it feels as if "I'm Stuck With A Day That's Gray And Lonely." God's mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. That is what I must cling to because I need to "[clear] away the cobwebs, And the sorrow." I must rejoice in my father's safe arrival - his race well-run. And remember always to find ways to honor his memory and celebrate him in each and every way that I am able.


Please share a favorite memory you have of my dad, if you are able to. We would love to read them. Thank you all for your prayers and love!


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