To Be Free...

Freedom. That is what those in the United States celebrate on July 4th. Freedom. What is freedom? According to, freedom is "A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement."

Are you seeking freedom from something in your life? Maybe this is the time to revolutionize your life and gain the freedom you need. Is something other than Christ controlling your life? Are you struggling with laziness, gluttony, anger, bitterness, an addiction? Is something in your life causing you to walk away from Christ instead of toward Him? There is freedom in Christ according to Galatians 5:1 (NIV): "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." The ESV says, "do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Why do we so easily give into the yoke of slavery?

Have you ever walked away from something that enslaved you? Or controlled you? I have twice conquered the sugar dragon. My husband and I did the Whole30 twice, and each time, I slayed the dragon of sugar addiction. Then, the end came, and the call of the dragon reared its ugly head. Instead of "stand[ing] firm," I slowly started giving in more and more. Eventually, my sugar dragon has become a burden. It follows me through my day. Whether morning, noon, or night, the dragon says things like "it's just the one cookie" or "one piece of candy won't hurt" or "tomorrow you can have something healthier than a donut." The struggle is real. I want to bust out. Break loose. Achieve freedom from the control, the power, sugar has over me. I look at myself, and I don't fully comprehend how I've ended up here...tipping the scales. The intention in my heart is strong. The motivation is not quite where it needs to be.

How many of you have seen Facing the Giants? It is one of my favorite movies because it speaks to me and encourages me. In the movie, Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick) has a discussion with a gentleman about two farmers that are praying for rain. The difference between them is that one farmer is not just praying for rain. He is preparing his field for the rain when it does come. We can intend to seek freedom. We can strategize and plan for freedom. We can think about the benefits of freedom. We can write lists of what to do in our lives to accomplish freedom, but, ultimately, we need to step out or take action.

Our country did not gain freedom through lack of action. And it wasn't easy. Battles happened. There were challenges, mishaps, and close calls. There were people who knew what needed to be done, what was at risk, what mattered. Those people were courageous, daring, and ready for liberty. Is it possible to gain liberation without challenges, without fighting battles, without slaying dragons? Freedom is yours for the asking, but remember to actively pursue it. Say no to the donut, say goodbye to the bitterness. Choose peace over anger and purpose over laziness. You CAN do it. You are CAPABLE. HE will help you. Freedom. Celebrate it. Pursue it. Thank God for it. DO NOT give it up.

**In honor of the 4th of July, we are giving away two t-shirts from Love in Faith. One beautiful blue t-shirt, size M. One simple white t-shirt, size 2X. For the chance to win one of these great shirts you need to do three things before 11:00am (CDT) on July 4, 2022.                                                                                                                                         

1. Leave a comment here on this post sharing one area where you need freedom in your life. 

2. Share this post or this blog with your friends on Facebook.  For the blog, you can just share                                                                                    

3. Once the first two things are done, please send an email to: Subject: T-Shirt Contest!     In the email, tell me you've done steps 1 and 2 and then tell me which shirt you would like to win.

This contest is open to anyone in the United States (not including Alaska and Hawaii). Two winners (one for each shirt) will be drawn randomly on July 4, 2022, sometime after 1:00pm (CDT). Shirts pictured below.



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