Memories of Dad: Part IX

Today, my dad would have been 68.5 years old. I have so many dates in my memory bank that it gets a bit crowded in there at times. We are not into celebrating half birthdays at our house, but it strikes me that maybe we should be. Maybe a half birthday is a chance to say, "I love you because..." Or, perhaps, to say, "I'm so glad I've had another six months with you. I'm looking forward to the next six." I think you get the idea. Couldn't we make half birthdays an opportunity to show love and appreciation to the "birthday" person? Not the hubbub of a birthday, but the sweet words and thoughts of genuine affection and appreciation. Perhaps, some of you do this very thing everyday already for your loved one or dear friend. However, if you don't take time to invest words of love and appreciation and joy regularly, maybe this idea is one worth considering. No, I'm not trying to add more pressure or another to-do to your ever-growing list. I'm simply suggesting that we take a step toward remembering, acknowledging, and appreciating those around us on a more consistent basis. I often think sweet things about my loved ones and friends, but I don't always share those things with them. What difference would it make to your son or daughter, husband or wife, best friend, mother or father, or close acquaintance if you shared your encouraging, kind thoughts with them? Could those words bring peace, healing, joy, or renewed affection to them or your relationship? Words are powerful. Words carry a lot of weight. Well-chosen words can build up; careless words can destroy. Take time today, tomorrow, next week, or on your loved one's half birthday to share with them your love and delight for them. Don't waste another opportunity!


You are in my heart and will always be. You were a man of God. A champion for your children. A get-down-on-the-ground-and-play grandfather. I appreciate your encouraging words, emails, and chats over the years. Thank you for being willing to take me places and do things with me. Those shared memories are quite valuable to me. I am thankful for the blessing you were to me - a great father in many ways. You are truly missed but never forgotten. I love you!

Your darling, dimpled daughter,



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