
I imagine many of you, like so many others right now, have found a word for yourself or your family for 2021.  Not to be left behind in the dust, I have "found" a word for 2021 as well.  My word is renewal.  According to Webster's 1828 dictionary, the word renewal means:

1. The act of renewing; the act of forming anew; as the renewal of a treaty.

2. Renovation; regeneration.

3. Revival; restoration to a former or to a good state.

I like the idea of renewal for my life in 2021.  With so much craziness and uncertainty and confusion in the world right now, I could use some renewal in my life, my mind, my spirit, and my heart.  Indeed I could.  My physical body needs some renovation through exercise and better food choices and better sleep patterns.  My mind needs to be renewed and restored to it's focus on Christ through the regular reading of His Word and through regular prayer and worship time.  I need renewal in my relationships.  I have struggled a lot in recent months, due to the circumstances I find myself in (like you), to connect with other people.  I don't need a lot of connection, but I do find many benefits for myself in regular meeting with my friends or with others ladies at a moms group.  I have a brighter outlook when I have the chance to chat with a friend or share in a study with other like-minded moms.  Those are times that add moments of joy to my week that I truly look forward to.

Renewal for me will be hard work in some ways, but it will also be so rewarding.  When an overwhelming challenge stands before you, what do you do?  The challenge I'm facing is overwhelming in some ways, but it also causes a sense of excitement in me.  I have my reading challenge, my physical/food challenge, my Bible study/prayer journal time challenge, my blog/writing challenge, and not to be forgotten, my home education of my children challenge ahead of me.  These are challenges that I need to take in stride.  Stress is not going to help me accomplish these things or help me get the renewal I need in my life.

I find that when I lose focus or get bogged down in the crummy situations of life my vision needs to be cleared, reset, maybe even formed anew.  I pray that, despite all things seeming beyond me and my ability to handle them, this year will be a year of renewal, renovation, regeneration, and revival for me, my family, my church, my city, my state, my country, and the world.  God is all-knowing!  He knows me (and you) the best of anyone in my life.  Why do I try to ignore that?  Instead, I need to embrace His knowledge of me and lean in to what He has for me...all He has for me.

I pray that you will be renewed, renovated, regenerated, revived, and/or restored.  I pray that you will be built up not torn down.  I pray that you will be given moments of great joy in the midst of circumstances that press in on all sides.  I pray that you will lean in to the all-knowing Father who loves you more than any other.  I pray that you will give your friends and family your best self.  I pray that you will pay forward the love God gives you to others so that they may clearly see and experience the amazing, unending fullness of God's care for them.  I pray that you will find someone to share your renewal, renovation, regeneration, revival, and/or restoration with.  I pray you will choose to share your testimony of God's goodness rather than keep it hidden away "for your eyes only."

If you feel comfortable doing so, please share your word for 2021 or how this post has spoken to you.  Blessings to you all as you continue on into the amazing things ahead.


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