In Need of Prayer...

I began something today that I should have started in earnest many months (even years) ago.  Truly, I regret not starting this important prayer work sooner.  I began to prayer for our nation.  In this time of confusion, unrest, and, for some, fear, I feel that it is beyond necessary to pray like we have never prayed before.  Our Lord is for us!  We need to come to Him, kneel before Him, reach out to never before.

In 2 Chronicles, we find a powerful call in verse 7:14.  One you likely have read, or heard, many times over the last several months and years.  If you have a Bible handy, turn there now with me.  It says, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  Wow!  Isn't that verse compelling?  If no one else does, I need to do what this verse says.  Take up the call and meet the challenge of this verse.  And I have started today.  It's never too late to start praying.  Is it?  God is always listening.  Isn't He?  We are the ones that stop talking, stop reaching out to Him.  Instead we need to humble ourselves and go to Him.  He is the one that can see the big picture, not us.

My prayers for today are taken from two different books:

1. If My People... by Jack Countryman (published in 2008)

2. Pray for Our Nation from Harrison House (published 1999)

The first prayer is:    Father, We seek Your sovereign blessing on our nation.  Forgive us for our shortcomings and the times when we have failed You.  Draw us back to Your love and strengthen us as a nation to serve and honor You in all that we do.  May we forever be faithful to the calling that You have given us.  We respectfully and humbly give thanks for Your continued blessing.

The second is:    Dear Father, in Jesus' name I lift up our president to You.  I know that our leader's heart is in Your hand, so I ask You to guide the head of our nation in the way You would have him to go.     Father, I pray that You would surround our president with wise counsel--men and women of integrity who place Your agenda and the good of this nation above their own and whose motives are for that which is right.     I pray that You would give our leader discernment, understanding and knowledge so that our nation may know stability internally and abroad.     I give thanks for our president according to Your Word and thank You for working in and through his leadership so that we might lead peaceable lives in godliness and honesty.

Here is a list of verses to check out:    1 Timothy 2:1-2,   Romans 13:1 NAS,   Proverbs 28:2 AMP,   Proverbs 21:1 NAS,   Proverbs 16:10 AMP,   Proverbs 8:15 NIV

I plan to continue praying each day from these two books and from my own heart as well.  Please feel free to join me.  I imagine most of you already have been praying for our nation and our president and for so much more.  Blessings, friends.  Lean in!  Cling to Him!  Prayer continually! 


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