The Number One Thing

If someone asked you what the number one thing (person, object, activity, etc.) in your life is after God, what would your answer be?  Is God number one?  These are good, thought-provoking questions.  Things to ponder.  The answers (the real answers) may shock even yourself.  Why?  Because sometimes we just coast through life.  We are on automatic and don't stop to think about what is really important to us, what captures our attention and thoughts, what we spend time and money on, what consumes our thoughts when we are away from it.  When we take time to consider these questions, reality might be a painful wake-up call. 
Have you ever been asked what you like to do in your free time and found yourself stumped?  What do I like to do?  Free time: what's that?  Do you know yourself well enough to tell someone your favorite color?  Your favorite food?  Your favorite passage of Scripture?  Or would those questions stump you too?  What does it take to truly know yourself and what your "priorities" are compared to what you want them to be?  Does it take 5 years of deep exploration into yourself to find these answers?  I don't think so.
I do think, however, that too many of us don't truly know what we are (what God made us to be) and who we are (who God made us to be).  We are too busy trying to meet the expectations of those around us or to conform to a mold the world has made for us.  Why?  Shouldn't we be who we are?  Who God made us to be?  Isn't that what this life is about?  Living for Christ and fulfilling His dreams for us.  I guess that for some people those are radical concepts, but for me, it's becoming the most important thing.  The thing that should have always been most important.  I want to know who I truly am in Christ - who He created me to be.  Not what others expect of me or what the world is trying to make me, but rather, what the Creator of the Universe has intended for my life since before I was even conceived.  Wait right there!  Too much?  Overwhelming?  Amazing?  YES!  God has a plan!!  He sees all the puzzle pieces and where they fit together, how the connections happen.  I love it!  Don't you love that?  Yes, it can be scary, but God is faithful.  We need to be faithful and steadfast as well.
Questions: What is the number one thing in your life after God?  Do you need to rearrange some things in your life so that everything is in its proper place?  Order is important to God, so it should be important to us.  We need to take time (I don't think 5 years will be necessary) to investigate what our most important things are and decide if they're the right things for us (in our life as a follower of Christ).  We need to know what and who God made us to be.  And we need to slow down so we don't miss opportunities (especially within our family) to enjoy the pleasures of life and answer the questions of life.  Time is fleeting and flows by very quickly - use it for eternity!  Blessings, friends!


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