Memories of Dad: Part III

It has been two months since my dad went to his heavenly home. My heart still hurts and my mind still frets. Life is not the same without my dad here to laugh with, to joke with, to dream with, to ponder and question and discuss with... His knowledge of so many things was only passed on to various people in snippets and segments, not whole volumes. Some may know how to hook up a washing machine or adjust a home air conditioning system or the finer points of our country's constitution because of my father, but the ins and outs of washing machine repair, proper vent openings, or the real purpose of a constitutional amendment will likely be lost on most of us.

Can we dream about the perfect RV? Can we plan the ideal family gathering? Can we discuss boot camp in the 1970s? Can we find the quickest route from here to our favorite spot in Wisconsin? Can we hear the story one more time of driving cars out on the ice or hunting trips with Grandpa or getting white bell-bottom jeans covered in mud or taking photographs from an airplane? Can we visit one more waterfall or park or museum or relative or back road? Can we go on just one more adventure?

Oh, Dad, you are missed. Your special knock on the front door, your crazy comments that we never quite understood the way you did, your hugs, your encouragement, your insights, your laugh, your smile, your mechanical ability, your joy in your grandchildren, your stories...all that was you!

How do we go forward from here? Remembering... Not forgetting... Holding tightly to your contributions to our lives... You are remembered. You are not forgotten. Your contributions are still evident and will continue to be so.



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