The Birds Singing

I heard birds singing early this morning.  What a delight!  There is something about the sound of tweets and chirps that brings about a feeling of comfort and peace in me.  Spring has sprung and birds are out and about their business.  The world is still turning and God is still in control.  I hear one now determinedly sharing a bit of news or trying to get the attention of a friend.  A bird is a message of hope.  In Matthew, birds are mentioned in a passage of Scripture reminding us not to worry.  God takes care of them, provides food for them.  Certainly, we don't need to fret about clothing and food and toilet paper and spending the next 2 weeks in place.  Life feels a bit (okay...maybe more than a bit) overwhelming right now for some of us.  We find ourselves in a place we've never (most likely) been before.  The "unknown" is always a little scary and fretful, yet our Father is where He has always been, doing what He has always done, being who He has always been.  He is the same.  Why should we be any different?  Should our focus change because our circumstances have?  Should we take our eyes off of the "prize?"  No.  Is it hard to stay focused right now?  If I'm honest with you and myself, I'd say, "Yes, it is."  My mind consistently wanders to questions without answers and concerns without a right to a foothold.  I cannot see the big picture as my Father can.  I can only see "up close and personal."  However, I also need to remember the lovely bird song I heard and the Scriptures I know and the heart of my Father.  The bird songs I hear bring me assurance that the world is truly as God set it up.  His creation is still following the paths God gave them to follow.  In II Timothy it says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken."  I need to cling to the lovely things God has provided - power, love, a sound mind, and I need cast my burdens (cares, worries, etc.) on Him knowing that He will sustain me and be my strength.  Our Father's heart is for us.  He wants His best for us.  Just hearing a bird sing tomorrow morning or the next morning should be enough to set your mind on our Abba Father for the day.  If the day becomes a struggle or filled with cares, then call on Him and give Him your struggles, your worries, your fears, and your cares.  Sing a song of praise to Him in your heart or out loud...who cares if your kids can hear you singing slightly off-key.  God wants to hear our praises no matter the key.  Also, while we're talking about praise, I'd like to share another verse with you from the Psalms.  In Psalm 100:4 we find these words, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."  We need to praise Him and thank Him.  Praising to me is part of a two-sided coin.  The other side is thanksgiving.  They work together to build us up in our faith and our relationship with Christ.  Now is the time to build yourself up, to give yourself an extra dose of God's goodness in your life.  We often forget all of the amazing things God has done for us in our lives in the midst of a storm or trial or a need to shelter in place.  Yet, when we truly take the time to look back and focus, we can see a long line of gifts, blessings, provisions, helps, encouragements, and so much more that God has done for us in good times and bad times.  He hasn't changed, so I can only assume that He is still doing those same things right now.  Take time over the next few days to make a timeline of sorts for your life and mark off some places for your "stones" of remembrance to go as reminders of the many times God has seen you through in one way or another.  If appropriate, share your timeline with your spouse or, for a great lesson in God's goodness, with your child(ren).  Feel free to share one of your "stones" in the comments to help build us up as well.  Listen for the birds tomorrow morning.  Give Him praise and thanksgiving.  Cast your burdens on Him.  Plug into the power, love, and sound mind He's given you.


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