Get Refreshed

Where do you go to get refreshed?  Do you find time or set aside time to refresh yourself?  We need refreshment and rest to really be operating at our best.  God set aside a day for rest for a reason.  He knew we needed that body-refreshing rest to continue on in the work and everyday duties, tasks, and struggles of day-to-day living.  If you were given the choice between two hours of quiet, restful refreshment and a chance to scroll through all the "news" on Facebook for one uninterrupted hour, which option would you choose?  Be honest.  Which option is the one you truly need on a stressful Tuesday when the weekend is still 3 days away?  Or on a Thursday when you've driven three kids to 4 different places, gone through the drive through at your least favorite fast food place for the fifth time this week, and you are pretty sure the shoe you're wearing on your left foot has drool from Fido in it? know what you need...the rest...the refreshment...the time to just sit or walk or lounge or...whatever refreshes you most.  Is it turning on your favorite praise songs or classical music and dancing or soaking in the tub?  Or maybe, if you were given two hours, you would finish that quilting project you started...what was it...four months ago.  Perhaps you would find that book you know was on your nightstand a month ago (the novel everyone raved about a year ago) and snuggle in your favorite chair in the corner of the living room and read the rest of it.  What is it that truly speaks to your soul?  The soul God created to need rest and refreshment.  Your kind of rest and refreshment.  Your brand of delight at having two whole hours all to yourself to fill with whatever fills you up.
What would it take to convince you to pencil in an hour or two of rest and refreshment for yourself every week?  A doctor-signed prescription?  A letter in the mailbox from a dear friend reminding you why she ended up stressed out and overwhelmed?  A phone call from your mom?  A still, small voice whispering to you to come and rest?  The thing that might be a challenge for you is that when you actually take that hour or two for what you really need - rest, refreshment - you may find that it just really isn't enough.  You may find that you want more.  You may find ways to expand your hour to an hour three or four days a week.  And, truly, I hope you are able to do that very thing.  Find ways, times, and spaces that you can use for rest and refreshment.  Do not neglect something so vital to your well-being!
One day I hope you'll be able to take the plunge and get refreshed at a retreat or event that speaks to the unique person God made you to be.  And I encourage you to invite a friend to join you...she is probably in need of refreshment too.

If you have a chance, I would love to hear from you about what is soul-refreshing and rest-bringing for you.  Please share in the comments!


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