Thursday Morning Prayer

Last Thursday, I decided to get up about an hour earlier than I normally do.  This wasn't a planned thing.  I was kind of awake in bed, and I thought that if I got up before my kiddos woke up I could accomplish so much.  The plan formulated in my mind and seemed awesome but did not quite go according to the plan in my head.  :(  I did get up and start my "devotional" time.  I wrote out Psalm 103 in my notebook; there's so much good stuff in there.  Somewhere in the midst of my writing, two of my kiddos came in and sat quietly on my bed while I continued my time.  I asked them to be quiet while I finished up my Bible time, and they did an awesome job of it.  Something shifted in me in that moment.  I was having my digging deeper time with God, and my sweet kids were being sweet.  There was power, precious power, in that moment.  I wrote my prayer out that morning, words just kept flowing onto the paper.  Good words, powerful words!  I thought that the words that poured out of me onto the page on Thursday morning might be words that other mothers need to read, so I'm sharing my prayer below for you.  Please let me know your thoughts!
I'm a work in progress!  Many days I feel like I've missed my aim by not just inches but by yards (several).  A difficult place for a stay-at-home-mom to find herself.  My mission field surrounds me every day all day long.  My mission field is amazing!  I have four special, delightful children that are part of my mission field.  I don't know why God gave me this blessing, but I am incredibly thankful.  Blessings to all my mom friends out there!

Here it is:
Dear Lord, thank you for this new day that you've blessed us with. You have given me the privilege and honor to be mom to six blessings (4 here with me). I feel incredibly inadequate to do a good job with them. I have so very many flaws, Lord. I have anger issues, and I have no motivation some days, Lord. But, Father, I'm starting to see and understand that everyday, all day I am surrounded by my mission field. My family - my husband and our four kids - is an amazing, precious place to be. Many people are called to foreign ground, Lord, to minister to people that do not know of you. I am in a foreign place too (having only been a mother less than seven years), and I am ministering to four people who do not  know you. They know what Tony and I have told them and what they've observed. They have so many questions about so much of life, and you have given me the great privilege and honor to love them, train them, teach them, encourage them, and so much more. My mission field may not be across an ocean or a place where English isn't spoken, but it is a place where people (my husband and children) need to see and hear of your great love and care for them through my everyday example. I fail, Lord, everyday I fail in some way. Sometimes my fail is not too significant, but other days, my fail makes me want to curl up under my covers, hide, and bawl my eyes out. How could I (a grown-up) act like THAT toward one of my precious offspring? It's only through your grace and mercy that I'm able to continue on this path of momdom, Lord. Thank you for giving this mama your full support and the assurance that I always have an Abba Father to turn to for forgiveness, guidance, and comfort. In your Son's precious and holy name, Amen!


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