Things to Remember

Life can be busy, hectic, and downright overwhelming when you have three children ages 4 and under in your home.  Then they all get sick with the flu and life becomes a routine of medicine to keep their fevers down, snuggles to keep them comfortable, and new levels of whining and moaning that I didn't know could happen in our home.  The thing is that in the middle of all the goop and yuck of sickness a truth still exists about having so many little ones at once - life is full of joy, laughter, discovery, new adventure, cute comments, learning, and lots of hugs.  Whether my three little blessings are sick or not, they still are a source of constant enjoyment for me.  When I'm overwhelmed by all the responsibility of leading them, training them, teaching them, guiding them, and (most importantly) loving them, I have to remember that I wouldn't trade these delightful children for anything in this world.  God has chosen to entrust us with precious little lives, and I want to always remember and hold dear the wonderfulness of their young days.  I don't want to forget the little arms wrapping around my neck for a hug or the sweet smiles and precious words of "I love you, mama."  Moments in life are so fleeting, but they are also important building blocks to the future of our children.  Always remember in the midst of the struggles and routineness of everyday life with small children that these days are numbered; they will disappear in the blink of an eye and you won't regain them for anything.  Keep seeking God's way for you and your precious little ones.  He has the big picture in view; we only have our blinder-covered picture in view.  Give them lots of hugs and kisses and encouragement each day!


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