July 12, 2011, is a Special Day!

It's been over a month since my first post, so I suppose I should write something new.  Today is a special day in at least two ways that I know of.  The first way is that it is my dad's 58th birthday today!  I was able to see him last week in MN.  We (my family) drove to Minnesota to visit my parents over the 4th of July.  We had a great time visiting and going to our favorite spots and trying some new ones.  While we were there, we went to dinner with my parents in honor of my dad's birthday - 4 days early.  Today is certainly special because this is the day that God wanted my father to be born in 1953 in Minnesota.  I'd say that is pretty cool!  The second way today is special is that I am 23 weeks pregnant with our fifth child!  I like that a whole lot too!  We are very excited about this new addition to our family.  So, July 12, 2011, is a great day in the history books.  I'm sure that there are several other people that make today a very special day.  My grandmother, Lucille, made this day special when she had my dad all those years ago. 
God has order to everything He does.  We have a tendency sometimes (okay probably more like often) to not understand God's order.  In our human minds we tend to think things through in our way, but God truly has a complete view of things that we will never completely perceive.  God has a plan for each of our lives - He knew when my dad would be born, He had purpose in that.  He also knew when I would be pregnant again.  He has a plan; we need to seek that plan for our lives.  Sometimes, God's plan can be scary or overwhelming, but it is His best for us.  He is the only One who can see the "big picture."  What an amazing and wonderful thing.  Faith is not an easy thing some days, but I also know that faith is very powerful.  God loves us so much!  See John 3:16!  I guess that's it for today.  Happy Tuesday, everyone!


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