
Showing posts from October, 2021

Memories of Dad: Part II

Today marks one month since my father's Celebration of Life... My father has always liked children. My mother recently told me a story about when they worked at SuperAmerica together before they were married. In the story, my, then 20-year-old, father was talking to a baby or young child the mother had set on the counter while she paid. It was obvious to my mother that this guy was special because he was actively enjoying entertaining and talking to the child. I've often benamed my father the pied piper of children and the baby whisperer. He just had a way with kids and took to them. Whether he was calming one of my crying babies or holding one in the sunlight to help when they were jaundiced or getting down on the floor to play cars with a toddler, he loved interacting with children. He even walked my young cousin around our breezeway years ago to try to calm him. It didn't bother him to try to calm a baby's cries; he seemed to enjoy it. He would start mimicking one of...