
Showing posts from 2019


I lift my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot slip- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. ->Psalm 121:1-4 Powerful!  Encouraging!  Wonderful!  The above verses are part of our theme verses for this school year.  If you don't know, I homeschool my four children.  The last couple of years I have prayerfully picked verses or a chapter of the Bible to memorize with my students and use as our theme for the year.  This year the chapter is Psalm 121.  A great passage for all of us to consider and even to memorize if it speaks to us.  There are some struggles happening in our family right now.  And we need to remember where our help comes from.  There's no doubt in these verses about where our help comes from.  It clearly states that our help comes from the...

Date Night at Home

Date nights can be a challenge when you don't have a sitter nearby.  My honey and I enjoy our date nights and look forward to 2 a month, but our regular sitters (my parents) have been unable to watch our 4 kiddos since April 22nd.  The other week it became obvious that with the stress of all that has been going on in our lives in the past 2+ months, we needed to make a way to have a "date night."  My honey and I were snapping at each other and stressing and just not really enjoying each other's presence too much.  I needed to go out for some reason, so I sent my honey a text asking him if he was available for a date at 9:00pm that night (after the kids were safely tucked in bed). I bought cheese, crackers, meat, juice, dessert for 2 and headed home to do some last minute prep work.  I got the basic idea from the Dating Divas website for our activity and then made it my own.  I found a blank bingo board template and printed it out and then added spaces w...

Get Refreshed

Where do you go to get refreshed?  Do you find time or set aside time to refresh yourself?  We need refreshment and rest to really be operating at our best.  God set aside a day for rest for a reason.  He knew we needed that body-refreshing rest to continue on in the work and everyday duties, tasks, and struggles of day-to-day living.  If you were given the choice between two hours of quiet, restful refreshment and a chance to scroll through all the "news" on Facebook for one uninterrupted hour, which option would you choose?  Be honest.  Which option is the one you truly need on a stressful Tuesday when the weekend is still 3 days away?  Or on a Thursday when you've driven three kids to 4 different places, gone through the drive through at your least favorite fast food place for the fifth time this week, and you are pretty sure the shoe you're wearing on your left foot has drool from Fido in it? know what you need...the rest...the...