I heard a message on expressing our thankfulness to God (and others) at church yesterday. It was very powerful! The passage for this message can be found in Luke 17:11-19. One leper came back to Jesus, threw himself at the feet of Jesus, and thanked him for his healing. How awesome is that! How often do we forget to say thank you or don't even consider thanking God or someone else for something they've done for us? Thankful (according to my favorite 1828 dictionary) means "Grateful; impressed with a sense of kindness received, and ready to acknowledge it." Is gratefulness lost in our society? Have we forgotten the power of acknowledging God's blessings in our lives and the gifts (of friendship, time, etc.) that others have given to us as well? Is it harder to say "thank you" or "I'm sorry?" For many, I've often believed that "I'm sorry" was harder to say, but maybe it can be harder for some to say two simple words in grati...