Date Night at Home

Date nights can be a challenge when you don't have a sitter nearby. My honey and I enjoy our date nights and look forward to 2 a month, but our regular sitters (my parents) have been unable to watch our 4 kiddos since April 22nd. The other week it became obvious that with the stress of all that has been going on in our lives in the past 2+ months, we needed to make a way to have a "date night." My honey and I were snapping at each other and stressing and just not really enjoying each other's presence too much. I needed to go out for some reason, so I sent my honey a text asking him if he was available for a date at 9:00pm that night (after the kids were safely tucked in bed). I bought cheese, crackers, meat, juice, dessert for 2 and headed home to do some last minute prep work. I got the basic idea from the Dating Divas website for our activity and then made it my own. I found a blank bingo board template and printed it out and then added spaces w...